Within the scope of its research activities, the Laboratory cooperates with Greek and European Research Institutions and Industries. Despite its young age, some research projects have already been completed, with the support of Industrial, National and EU funding, while others are in the pipeline.

Funded Research Performed by LASCM:

Title:  “Development of Forecasting Methods for Estimating the Yield of Clingstone Peaches per Area and Variety”
Funded by:
Greek Canning Peach Association


Title: Development of the Strategic Plan for the Metropolitan Mass Transit Organization of Thessaloniki
Funded by: EUROACTION S.A.
Years: 2011

Title: Optimal Allocation of Points of Sales for the MACEDONIA Press Agency
Funded by: MACEDONIA Press Agency
Years: 2010  2011

Title: Identification and Analysis of Bottlenecks for Contemporary Globalized Supply Chains
Funded by: TEXPO S.A.
Years: 2009  2010

Title: Design of a National Network for Stem Cell Banks in Greece
Funded by: Haematological Society of Greece
Years: 2008

Title: Maturation of Studies and Processes for Attracting Investors to the International Freight Village of Thesprotia, Municipality of Paramithia
Funded by: IMPETUS Engineers S.A.

Years: 2007  2008

Title: Diffusion of Supply Chain Management Techniques
Funded by: Technoekdotiki S.A.
Years: 2005 2007